mercredi 2 novembre 2011

Finding the right Wind Speed on Dealey Plaza

Whatever you are, warrenatist, conspiracists, oswaldfagious, Beverlyfilists, you noticed the wind on dealey plaza, going to the south west, curving the clothes of the babooshka and jean Hill. The flags on the limo have a texture which is between silk and cotton, the american flag seems to be heavier, it does not react like the blue flag which is completely deformed when Ike Altgens makes his 407 picture.

I made a simulation by increasing speed of wind on a limo descending elm street. The final speed is 2 meters from a positive x and 600 mm from a positive Z / second. This makes the blue flag shake like on altgens picture.

Why is it usefull for ????  I will use a particle system to simulate the consequences of the headshot, what toni Foster described "it was like confetti". So the inertia of the limo, wind speed, resitance of air must be known to see what was going where.

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