vendredi 4 novembre 2011

All witnesses on Elm street are positionned, no spiral nebula at z 255

I was forced to give a name to all witnesses visible on the towner, bell, and the croft piture. From carol reed to Aj millican, almost everybody is identified. Then we have three unknown people, then all pepople visible on the croft picture, and then a bunch of unknown people, with the cowboy dressed in white to the corner of elm street. All witnesses have a license plate. When positionning the witnesses, i saw that the alleged crack in the limo's windshield is not a crack, but the remains of claudine's  handbag, ond not a 'spiral nebula' as claimed by prof. James Fetzer.
See this pics

mercredi 2 novembre 2011

Finding the right Wind Speed on Dealey Plaza

Whatever you are, warrenatist, conspiracists, oswaldfagious, Beverlyfilists, you noticed the wind on dealey plaza, going to the south west, curving the clothes of the babooshka and jean Hill. The flags on the limo have a texture which is between silk and cotton, the american flag seems to be heavier, it does not react like the blue flag which is completely deformed when Ike Altgens makes his 407 picture.

I made a simulation by increasing speed of wind on a limo descending elm street. The final speed is 2 meters from a positive x and 600 mm from a positive Z / second. This makes the blue flag shake like on altgens picture.

Why is it usefull for ????  I will use a particle system to simulate the consequences of the headshot, what toni Foster described "it was like confetti". So the inertia of the limo, wind speed, resitance of air must be known to see what was going where.

mardi 1 novembre 2011

First Babooshka video with Greer and Kellerman POV

Once the whole database will be finished, i will search a way to give all dealey plaza for researchers, on the territory of the united states, unless there is an interactive way to produce pictures or videos on demand, online. I will check that with newtek. Witnesses on dealey plaza are identified and placed. From Carol Reed on the left of Zapruder till Andy Stobnicky on the left of Croft Z160.

1 november, i places 1rst version of  Jfk, with hair generated by CG. It makes crash the whole thing. But JFK is able now to smile, speak, modify his expression.
 Generated a first Babooshka video. South of DP is finished with all cars stopped on main street. I implemended some blocks behind houston street. Kennedy begins to move inside the limo. the green light near jfk's face is a virtual pillar erected over the "X" painted on the ground of elm street.

And NOWWW, the film everybody wanted to see, what the babooshka could have filmed. It is just a work in progress. I joined The kellerman and Greer  POV, both tuned their head to see COnally yelling and jfk. greer saw the headshot. Kellerman could see LANCER in thelittle mirror on theright side. The first wound on jfk occured when Kellerman saw the Stemmons sign, as he related in his testimony.