On the JFK assassination Forum, Anthony Marsch initiated a project gathering all good wills about Rosemary Willis as being the rosetta stone for the investigation about JFK's murder. After reading the 6 first pages of the thread, Gary Mack, curator of the 6th Floor museum send me a message about Dale Myers work.
I took the time to print the whole PDF report, but this beautiful work has a big weakness. A big part of the argumentation is based on the angle of a car on a blurry frame.
Many observations are precise for the synchronization of the HUGHES DOORMAN MARTIN and BELL films, but the link between the Zapruder and Hughes film is not accurate .
The placement of the motorcade cars, bikes policeman, chronology has to be done from scratch. It is necessary to make match Zapruder film and Doorman film with at least one solid frame. Despite a beautiful rendering of the Dale Myers documentary, precise rendering of dealey plaza landscape, some basic and important elements are false.
The limousine used in his film has not the measurement of the original car as show in the Warren Report, or the Anthony Marsh drawing. Seems to be another car. The car used by Myers is thinnest space between Jackie and Jfk is thinner, John Connally 's Seat is not at the right place
(see comparison below), and the long-necked Kennedy makes me conclude that the author wanted to make his film match with the famous "SBT" , Single bullet Theory.